A personalised appointment with S Nice Beauty will leave you confident about what make-up suits your face and your personality.  Whether it's a new look you're after, prom make-up or your wedding day make-up, there is a service for you. Ideal for all levels, ages and beauty goals.


(occasion make-up)

£55 – 1hr 30 mins

A personalised make-up appointment at S Nice Beauty starts with a consultation based on the occasion you're attending, taking into consideration your outfit, environment (such as weather!), skin type and what style you're looking for whether it's a timelessly elegant look, or perhaps something you've never normally try?! I use a diverse range of make-up brands which I've chosen collated from 16 years experience in the beauty industry.


(make-up lesson)

£70- 2 hours

Whether it's a make-up overhaul you're after or some help styling your wedding day make-up, a make-up tutorial with S Nice Beauty will leave you feeling inspired, empowered and informed; confident about what make-up suits your face and your personality. I ask that clients bring along their make-up staples (your everyday make-up kit) as well as any make-up you've brought and not sure how to use, so that we can implement these products within the tutorial as and where possible. I will create a personalised make-up shopping list for you to go-away with so that you can purchase at your own leisure. I use a variety of brands; from high street to high end. I believe that great beauty products don't have to be expensive- It's about knowing when to invest and where you can be savvy. 

Especially recommended to any brides thinking about doing their own make-up for their big day, as my main focus is to teach you how to look the best possible version of yourself.